As another way to encourage inclusive, thought-provoking discussions within the classroom, we also use Talk Moves in other curriculum areas, not just for reading. This helped build the student's confidence when it came to talking about their learning. It became more routine and familiar. They still need prompting to get going. I have noticed they have also become better listeners. We have concentrated on thinking about what is being said and what is being asked before blurting out a response.
Wednesday, 11 December 2024
Tuesday, 13 August 2024
Term 3 reflection
Monday, 10 June 2024
The journey so far....Term 2.
How the journey is going.
I have started trying to utilise provocation as a way to promote critical thinking as well as leading into critical literacy.
"Critical literacy is the term used to refer to a particular aspect of critical thinking. Critical literacy involves looking beyond the literal meaning of a text to determine what is present and what is missing, in order to analyse and evaluate the text's complete meaning and the author's intent". (
Tuesday, 23 April 2024
April, Term 1
Throughout the term, I have made a concerted effort to incorporate more discussion time across all curriculum areas. For example, during maths we have been focusing on being active listeners and doers, using Talk Moves and giving and taking others' opinions. Reading time we are focused on reciprocal teaching and building thought-provoking, rich conversations.
Tuesday, 27 February 2024
Growth Cycle inquiry for 2024
My inquiry for 2024
For my Growth Cycle inquiry for 2024, I decided to revisit one I did previously. This is to incorporate extended discussions within reading through Reciprocal Teaching. My reasoning behind this is to accelerate students' overall comprehension of multimodal texts, therefore building students' communication skills. My focus is on developing their ability to explain and justify their thinking, elaborate on their ideas, and build richer communication skills and comprehension.
Target students
My target cohort is a small group of students who are at their expected level for reading. I chose these students as I feel they lack some of the communication skills required to progress more and that it is holding back their ability to confidently move ahead.
I also strongly believe these particular students will pick up the reciprocal teaching strategies quickly and we should soon see positive results. These students will then be able to become mentors within the class to help establish reciprocal teaching and extended discussions with their peers.
How will I document this journey?
Throughout this inquiry, I will utilise the use of IRIS to record reading sessions. The first recording will be a baseline. A video for me to reflect on and plan from and eventually compare back to when looking for signs of progress. I expect the first recording in particular to contain a lot of off-task conversations while students are learning their new roles.