First attempt at Reciprocal Teaching
Set the rules:
- Everyone will have a turn to talk.
- Everyone will be an active listener.
The 4 Strategies: Predict, Question, Clarify and Summarise.
Introduce and explain what Reciprocal Teaching is. Model how to use the Train Your Brain To Read bookmarks.
Practice using the stems as sentence starters.
What I noticed:
The students are keen to talk about the text. I noticed they are hesitant to discuss as, I believe, they are unsure how to go about having a proper rich discussion.
We used the Train Your Brain To Read bookmarks from Reading Rockets. The stems were helpful for the tamariki to initiate their line of questioning. It seems to help them to organise their thoughts, which leaves them free to concentrate on thinking and answering.
Reflection on how it went:
I gathered feedback from the students to see how they felt about the session.
They liked asking people how they felt about the text and having the time to ask questions and be heard by their peers.
They enjoyed having time to connect with their peers and connect with the text. They liked being able to learn from, and teach, each other. All agreed that once they get used to it, it will be easier and easier.
Overall I think it was a successful session. My personal short-term focus is to resist initiating the discussions and allowing time for the students to think and respond.