Wednesday, 27 June 2018

DFI: week 9

Well that 9 weeks went fast. What an incredible journey. I met some great people, and was able to share with them, and learn from them along the way. It was such a pleasure to witness the growth within our group over such a short period of time.
I highly recommend anyone taking part in the Digital Fluency Intensive as a way of up-skilling and building confidence within the digital realms of education.

I successfully completed Level 1 Google Certification, and am looking forward to doing the Level 2 Certification.

Monday, 25 June 2018

DFI: Week 8

The focus area of the Manaiakalani Kaupapa this week was Empowered.
Creativity Empowers learning.
You cant truly be empowered without being Visible (sharing ideas), Ubiquitous (working when you choose), and Connected (collaborative, social).

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

DFI: Week 7


We looked at other teachers sites and critiqued what works well, what doesn't. It was interesting to see the varying sites, and this made me re-evaluate my site, which I am mostly happy with. What I realised was that I had too many clicks to get to 'Other Curriculum' areas. So I put all the buttons for all the areas on to the Home page.
I think this will be easier for visitors to my site to navigate.

From DFI-Leading Learning Using Google Sites by Clarelle Carruthers.

I also learned about DMIC. I had never heard of it. I read some research articles about it, and I like the idea of the benefits from heterogeneous (mixed-ability) groupings, based on strength-based and social capabilities, rather than based on a maths level/stage.

DFI: Week 2

Unfortunately I was away for this day, but I still took part by working through what was on the agenda (the best I could).

Each week we Connect with each other. This is where we discuss what we have tried, what has worked for you, what hasn't worked for you, and what you need help with. I find this is great to hear other peoples' successes and struggles, and often I have something in common with these things, which makes it relevant and of value to myself, and therefore my students.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

DFI Week 6: Multimodal & sites

What did I learn today that could be used with my learners?  

Today I learned more about different types of multi-modal usage within sites. I learned about using Breakouts within your site to make learning more meaningful and engaging for students. I didn't even consider doing anything like a Breakout (possibly due to my having a limited amount of understanding about what this actually is). It is definitely something I will consider doing in the future with my students.

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

The importance of Digital Technologies supporting and enabling visible teaching and learning. How it is important for students, and whanau to have the learning journey visible. Visible to the learners, teachers, whanau, and colleagues. “Removing barriers to learning”

Visible teaching is:
  • accessible
  • available
  • advance